

http://sc.sina.com.cn   2009年12月24日10:31  沪江英语


The Muppets Christmas Carol
The Muppets Christmas Carol

  10 The Muppets Christmas Carol。


  Old Classic with good ol' Mr. Scrooge. Not a big fan of the Muppets though。

The Polar Express with Tom Hanks
The Polar Express with Tom Hanks

  9 The Polar Express with Tom Hanks。


  I loved the book as a kid, but I wasn't too sure about the animation in the movie. It's a great movie with a great story line though。

The Santa Clause with Tim Allen
The Santa Clause with Tim Allen

  8 The Santa Clause with Tim Allen。


  Lots of short lived laughs only due to the success of Tim Allen, without him this movie wouldn't be half as good。

Bad Santa with Billy Bob Thornton
Bad Santa with Billy Bob Thornton

  7 Bad Santa with Billy Bob Thornton。


  Itsmore a of Dark Comedy Unlike " The Santa Clause " this movie should notbe watched by young kids, as this is one bad ass Santa story。

The Nightmare Before Christmas by TIm Burton
The Nightmare Before Christmas by TIm Burton

  6 The Nightmare Before Christmas by TIm Burton。


  Itsactually my favorite movie by Tim Burton. Funny story, with lovable characters. Good Christmas film, if it doesn't scare the kids!

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相关报道:未雨绸缪:圣诞节英语祝福大放送 2009-12-23 10:27:28
          抓拍世界各地美丽“冻”人的“圣诞女郎”(组图) 2009-12-23 10:19:29

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